When its gone its gone usually forever.

Magic band discussion - antennas, propagation, operating, etc
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When its gone its gone usually forever.

Post by VK3SIX »

I well remember the KH3 who was rag-chewing with a VK5Z call and said "I am here for a couple hours." he was in for a couple of minutes and NEVER came back ever.

Get in & get out quickly with the rare DX

Nothing is quite so disturbing as losing that once-in-a-cycle opportunity at working a rare entity while listening to some idiot already in the log tie the DX station up for a ragchew or needless questions. We are all happy for the guy who worked him for a new one and hope he gets his card, but look the damn address up on the net or ask someone local to do it- just don't ask the DX station in the middle of the opening. Sound like a no-brainer? Well, just listen to some of my sound files... Other stupid time-wasters include needless repetition of information like names, towns, mother's maiden name & etc. Some DX stations ask for this type stuff so, oh well, but don't bother if not asked- it might be you who misses out next time but for this type of nonsense. Also, if a station does not give his grid square, don't bother giving one either. If not asked for it the other station obviously couldn't care less anyway, and the time saved can allow many extra QSOs for fellow DXers. It can be looked up later.


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