My article on 50 MHz Es Propagation (Part 3 in a 4-part series) made the cover of DUBUS this month (issue #1 for 2014).
This part of the article series includes a detailed synopsis of the formation of mid-latitude and equatorial sporadic E, with illustrations of the global occurrence of sporadic E, obtained from the occultation of GPS satellite signals (that's the front cover pic). This is the first time I have shared this globally. However, it was first aired at GippsTech in 2012 and 2013. Another good reason to book a seat at GippsTech Conferences.
Even if 50 MHz is "too-longwave" for you [ ], a DUBUS subscription is worth serious consideration. Check out the latest Table of Contents at and select the "Current issue" link.
Posted in the interests of sharing the news (OK, OK - a little trumpet-blowing, too ).
My DUBUS, #1, 2014, arrived yesterday... Always a wonderful read and, according to the Editorial, the last vhf/uhf/shf/ehf magazine still in paper print. Well worth the subscription (for the serious experimenter).
The last in your series of articles is well worth the Front Page.. (A few more footnotes would be good!! lol) Very well researched..Thank you..
VK2ZRH wrote: (OK, OK - a little trumpet-blowing, too ).
You're entitled, Roger! This series is the best explanation of global Sporadic-E that I have ever seen. Best of all is how you use all this new information to explain what we actually heard and worked on 6m (or missed ).
Well done. I have followed this story with a great deal of interest. The amount of work done by Roger to put all the published work together is truly amazing, just look at the references.
Roger is talking about summer and winter solstice nEs that occurr every year, not about equinox nF.
The sunspot cycle affects the equinox nF with maybe some small effect on the nEs.
So, the 6m band will continue to be alive with nEs during the solstice periods every year, sunspots or not. If you are uncertain, read my DUBUS article 4/2012 with the nEs backscatter radar measurements, made at the solstice. (download a free copy from
Recommended reading Steve.
Andrew VK3OE/VK3OER Science = hypothesis >> measurement >> Theory
Actually, DUBUS said: ". . may be some TEP on his end involved".
I checked it out this afternoon. Took a look at the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly (EIA) parameters both north and south of the geomagnetic equator. Would not support TEP at 50 MHz, or even N-mode (Es-F). Electron densities of the EIAs insufficient. Tsk tsk.
With out sounding a bit like an old timer and i have done this before sort of thing , congratulations to Paul on this long haul......I have been working EU for the last 2 weeks every few days and almost every year at the end of May also had stations copying signals into EI Ireland this last week, but unfortunately due to high noise levels these days in suburbia weak signals are difficult to work.
During June and July when the EU E's season is high which we also have E's here in VK8 which gives us a path across DU i feel, this links up with the E's these Asian regions have to EU i have indicated this in my conversations with others in past but these old timers have always had there their theory that it has to be TEP spread F enhanced etc etc because where i am located, but as i was the younger ham at these times i suppose one just bites his lip .......most don't hear about these conditions we have up here as we don't advertise or promote it on sites within VK as its not that relevant to main stream of VK's not that there not interested its a fact that most are too far south and we are lucky to have these conditions and when you promote your self one becomes well something for others to try and cut down and it just gets untidy...........may be some VK's further south could take a look as there are winter E's that have now been proven by Paul VK4MA contacts that this can be achieved which just requires using the IPS ( BOM / Space weather site) site to watch these conditions, i wouldn't rely on TV DX stations as they are far and few these days that have any relevance to the openings i have as its very rare to have heard any TV indicators while i have been working into I,HA,9A,DL,UT,SV,9K,EA,S5,LZ etc etc.
So the outcome with out sounding disrespectful you old timers which must now understand that these contacts have been made on E's conditions please read some of the literature out there that has been published by Roger VK2ZRH, Han JE1BMJ and there are a few others which can be re-searched with most search engines.
May be these comments should be posted on another topic......but well done to Roger for these articles been a great help in my en-devours on Six Meters.
Mark Sellers - VK8MS
0417 270111
PH57kp - Darwin N.T.
IRLP 6343
Paul VK4MA deserves a big congratulations for being "the man on the spot" for the opening. No doubt there are some measures of experience and sagacity in catching the opening. Nevertheless, well done to Paul, reaching ~16,500 km on a short path Es opening is no mean feat.
Thanks for the compliments, Paul. It's appreciated.
Brian VK5BC was heard in Sicily in July 2012 (analysed in another thread here, and in DUBUS earlier this year), from a location well south of the Tropic of Capricorn. So, it can be done.