Remote Rig control w/ smartPhones.

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Remote Rig control w/ smartPhones.

Post by VK6DVR »


* Remote Rig/Transceiver access/control over mobile Android smartPhones and Apple iOS.

* VoIP Mumble+Plumble software successes.

* VNC ( is used as well to provide additional backup for service recovery and other tasks, when needed. On Android, I used RealVNC's 'VNC Viewer' ( v1.2.499899 (99899).

We'll, seeing I found only 1-hit on VKLogger regarding Mumble and 0-hits on Plumble, I thought it was time to relate my experiences to the VKLogger community.

Since spending a great 12-mths (2013-14) as caretaker at Willie Creek Pearls Farm, 18km Nth of Broome, I needed to get my headaches distracted by fiddling around intially with the primary goal of being able to 'very easily' listen to my IC7000 at home via my Android smartPhone on whatever frequency it was left on, then later on, being also to be able to control it, switching to whatever other frequency was desired.

The act of making QSO's from my mobile 'phone was quite last in my mind, as I needed to find a proving path and sweeten up that challenge with real-world practice, before getting too keen on the CQ's & "Roger, Roger, 73's" QSO voice bits.

How I ultimately came across the smartPhone VoIP rig monitor 'Plumble', was through Mauro, Camillo IZ2BKT's integration of Mumble into his BKTRemoteSuite of rig control software.

After installations, a bit of tweaking, and one 'Plumble' config gotcha, I was driving the IC7000, quite nicely from a 10" Android tablet sitting on my LAN's Wi-Fi, finding that I could listen for the TEP 49'ers or scanning for beacons, while out in the garden pulling weeds.

Next trick was to expose the Mumble server to the outside world, so this stuff could be heard while out-n-about driving.

Since around Win-3.1, I'd been playing with products like PC-AnyWhere, then later on using Tight-VNC and finally replacing that with Ultra-VNC and its updates since around 2006.

To get that to work properly, you need to understand Port Redirection for your internet-Router and to also create a meaningful Domain Name using Dynamic-DNS (I used from, so that both the remote VNC and Plumble can bidirectionally talk right through to the LAN workstation where your rig-control software and server-sides of VNC and Mumble reside.

I've created a 'Settings' reminder file for Plumble for backup in case I lose my Android, dread the thought!

These settings are just a guide only, so as to give you clues when you're first setting up.

Note: There's no point attempting to see if my server/s are alive or not, as chances are they will be down and only used when the need arises.

Plumble settings for 'VK6DVR ICOM IC-7000 VoIP' via Wi-Fi or www-Remote on AudioSonic-Ten-inch-tablet: 11-07-2015 13:40

VK6DVR ICOM IC-7000 VoIP via Wi-Fi
Password here (I used 6-chars): ******

VK6DVR ICOM IC-7000 VoIP via www-Remote
Password here (I used 6-chars): ******

In practical real-world out-n-about mobile phone usage, one trick I was able to do, that was so easy to start, was to avoid having to run IZ2BKT's BktRemote for Android, but launch straight into Plumble and connecting to one of the two configs created, being rewarded with sounds of the TEP 49'ers warbling away, for example.


Here follows some links to get a feel for how to make your choices about venturing into the phone remote monitoring foray:

BktRemoteSuite - IZ2BKT (for IC7100, IC7000 & IC706) by Mauro, Camillo IZ2BKT
BktRemote Suite is a package of programs that allow you to control your transceiver with different devices via a LAN connection or WiFi, and even via mobile Android & iOS smartPhones.

Since version 1.0, BKTRemoteSuite can use Mumble for streaming audio.

Plumble - Mumble VOIP (Free) (android) | AppCrawlr reviews Pros & Cons.
Experience Mumble servers on your Android device to the fullest with Plumble, Android's premier Mumble client.
With voice activity and push-to-talk input, communicate with your friends on any Mumble 1.2+ server.

GitHub - acomminos/Plumble: A full-featured implementation of Mumble for Android devices.
By Andrew Comminos, Vancouver BC, British Columbia. Inquiries to

Morlunk - Plumble:

Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.

Mumble Wiki:

Third Party Mumble Clients:

Android: Plumble by Morlunk (Andrew Comminos): Google Play, F-Droid ... ... mbleclient

iOS: Mumblefy by Pandaris BVBA: App Store ... 52232?mt=8

SOLUTION: Fixed Plumble failing on Android 4.0.4:
Go to [Settings]:
General: Adjust general settings
Force TCP: [Y]
Whether to force TCP (disable UDP) communications.

Good luck, remoting your SmartPhone!
Danny Robinson, VK6DVR
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