I believe that other sites such as Bendigo, Ballarat or Shepparton on same channel set as Healesville, may be causing loss of signal in the local area (Healesville) in times of inversions.I have spoken to the TXA Engineers at Mt. Dandenong who think that the culprit is in fact Shepparton. With an ERP of apparently 300kW v Healesville ERP of 100 W, the local channels will drop out throughout the day or night, not necessarily all ch's at the same time, and random loss of signal over all channels. This year has been so bad so far with no fix in site. Has anyone any experience with DX DTV and what issues it causes?
Brian VK3ABJ
Inversion Layers Causing Loss o DTV Signals for Local Area
Re: Inversion Layers Causing Loss o DTV Signals for Local Ar
This is nasty. I hope ACMA are on top of this. May need a channel change at Healsville.
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Re: Inversion Layers Causing Loss o DTV Signals for Local Ar
if you think it is interference, go to the "SIGNAL Condition" menu in your TV (other brands have different names for it, I have a Sony) in there you can usually see the signal strength and signal quality and other parametes. If it is an interfering signal then the strength should show high but the quality as low or zero.
We are prone to signal loss here but for different reason (fringe area) so I am intimately familiar with that menu on my TV
if you think it is interference, go to the "SIGNAL Condition" menu in your TV (other brands have different names for it, I have a Sony) in there you can usually see the signal strength and signal quality and other parametes. If it is an interfering signal then the strength should show high but the quality as low or zero.
We are prone to signal loss here but for different reason (fringe area) so I am intimately familiar with that menu on my TV

Peter Sumner, vk5pj
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill