VKCW 40m Traffic Net - Monday 8:30 UTC on 7051.2kHz CW

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VKCW 40m Traffic Net - Monday 8:30 UTC on 7051.2kHz CW

Post by VK3GDM »

It's on again!

The VK CW Net (Traffic Net) is on every night this week at 8:30UTC .

Tuesday and Thursday is slow speed / straight key.

Tune into 7051.2kHz CW at 0830UTC Monday.

1. This is a quick fire CW net which lasts for about 15mins.
2. The Net Controller (NCS or NC) will call for check-ins with "CQ VK CW NET de <NC_CALLSIGN> CK IN NW PSE K" or "CQ VK CW NET de <NC_CALLSIGN> CHECK IN NOW PSE K"
3. Stations check in simply by sending "<YOUR_CALLSIGN> K"
- Just send once. You may or may not get an acknowledgment.
4. NCS will acknowledge each station heard "QNS <STATION_LIST> de <NC_CALLSIGN> GE PSE <AS>"
5. NCS will call for anymore check-ins "CQ VK CW NET de <NC_CALLSIGN> QNI PSE K"
- This is your opportunity if he missed you first time.
6. NCS will go round the list;
When you are called, respond with;
"<NC_CALL> de <YOUR_CALLSIGN> GE QRU QNX? K" (If you are just checking in and want to leave.)
- NCS will then excuse you with;
"<YOUR_CALL> de <NC_CALL> QNX" (or something like that)

OR when called in respond with;
"<NC_CALL> de <YOUR_CALL> GE QSO <OTHER_CALL> K" (If you want a QSO with another station <OTHER_CALL> )
- NCS will pair you with <OTHER_CALL> and get you to QSY.

There are other options for sending message traffic, but as I am a beginner at this, I don't know how to handle that yet.

7. NCS will list stations that checked in and close the net with the QNF signal.

Note: There is no chit-chat or long winded overs on the net frequency and the NCS controls who does what. This allows the net to flow quickly.

The above format is not strictly correct. Just based on my observations. It really depends on how the NCS runs it.
NCS VK5EEE is still working on a standard format to follow.

See "How to check in" here http://www.vkcw.net/nts

And don't forget the CW BASH later at 0900UTC 80m 3550kHz
-Call in on 3550kHz and QSY for QSO.
See your weekly skeds here http://www.vkcw.net/skeds

73 David VK3GDM

Twitter #VKCW
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