Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3QI »


I have reminded Mike 3AVV (our 6mx operator) to be ready if you work us on 2 or 70 to lock in 52.150 as a "special" frequency.


Peter VK3QI (VK3ER/p)
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK2ZRH »

Bon voyage to the Summer VHF-UHF Field Day . . . and all who sail in her. :J :thumbup:
73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3KQ »

VK3KQ Portable is listening all bands. Was Very Wet but now is quite pleasant :popcorn: :beer:
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3VFO »

Hi All , Thanks for all those that went out or operated from home it seems to me less people are participating over the last 12 months I wonder why or is it just the conditions ?
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK2ZRH »

In the Spring 2013 Summer FD, 102 stations participated. In the Spring 2014 event, 159 stations participated. The count of logs entered is another matter. :oops:

That said, statistically, to quote Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE):
"One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy."
73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK4ADC »

VK3VFO wrote:Hi All , Thanks for all those that went out or operated from home it seems to me less people are participating over the last 12 months I wonder why or is it just the conditions ?
I worked just 15 different VK4 callsigns during my 8 hour stint yesterday where many more have appeared in previous field days. When 6M finally opened into my part of the country in mid-afternoon, there appeared to be lots of VK3 callsigns on the band and very high exchange serial numbers were received and overheard. My measly 80 contacts over the 8 hours pales in comparison.... and that was the total across all bands 6M to 10GHz }:[

One can't help but wonder if the WIA has put people offside with their lack of coordination of these events in recent times ( no rules provided, slow results release, etc..). The problem is that disgruntled operators may not return to either the FDs, or even the WIA, due to the perceived indifference of 'the management'.

It will be interesting to note the outcome of the grid versus distance scoring and the resulting future direction of these events - and whether that will help see some more activity arise.
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3YE »

Fickle 50 MHz went from being hardly worth the trouble setting up for (in previous field days) to the stand-out performer this time.

This video captures some of what was heard and worked from VK3 while pedestrian mobile.

Last edited by VK3YE on Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3ALB »

This weekend we enjoyed the pleasure of the company of Matt VK3MAT on our field day outing. Some of you in VK3 will know Matt and others may have seen him on the logger. This was Matt's first big microwave experience and we all think he did extremely well. He picked up the gist of our operation and got stuck in to all aspects of a microwave operation including station assembly and preparation, operating techniques and logging processes. He was also very good company.

I think those of you that worked us would have recognized him on the mike and would agree that he did an excellent job of managing liaison, single contacts and pile-ups. We know he had a really good time and I reckon he may have left our camp with more questions than when he arrived.

Additionally this weekend, our club, The Geelong Amateur Radio Club fielded a couple members with some experience in microwave and field operation. Chris VK3ACG and Garry VK3FWGR went out under the callsign of VK3ACG with all bands from 50MHz thru 5.7GHz and worked three grid squares.

Chris and Garry have both been out with various microwave operators from our club but this time they went out on their own and did a fantastic job. In my view, the best part of this weekend was to see these three operators get into microwaves and do a really good job of it.

Well done to all three of you, you should be very proud of yourselves and the way you operated. Hopefully, you blokes are just the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks to everyone who work us and thanks to those who tried but didn't quite make it - at least we gave it a shot and thank goodness that we don't trust the media when it comes to the weather. I think the weather reports and predictions for our location were stunningly accurate.
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3QI »

Yes Lou,

It was good to hear some new operators on the Field Day.

Our only downside was that we were constantly in either rain or cloud the whole time, one of the consequences of going up to 830 metres.

As some will know, 6 metres opened up well and we still can't get the smile off Mike VK3AVV's face as our 6 metre operator. TIme after time Mike has laboured for those few 100's of points on 6 metres during the Field Days. THIS TIME Mike's score (especially division 2, based on distance) will blow everyone away!

But you will have to wait until the results come out to find out.

Thanks to all for the many qsos this weekend.

Peter VK3QI (microwave operator for VK3ER/p)

Other operators were Jack 3WWW (2 metres) Mike 3AVV ( 6 metres) Andrew 3BQ (70cm) Jonas 3VF (reliever for all operators)
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3PY »

Well, so much for believing the weather forecasts. After following the forecasts all week, right up to Friday afternoon, we (VK3UHF) chickened out for the first time ever. Nevertheless, David VK3QM and I did an 8-hour stint on our usual hill yesterday (Saturday). Guess what? NOT ONE DROP OF RAIN!!! And none today either. In fact, our weather was quite fine.

Unfortunately the rain did spoil the show for those brave souls further north of us, especially VK3ER and VK3KQ. Never mind. Baptism by field day is what I call it.

My observation is that there was a dearth of microwave-capable operators on air. Perhaps the weather contributed to this situation. Thanks to those who made themselves available, including VK3WRE/P and especially VK3AXH and VK3BQJ who operated from home and gave us some valuable points on microwave bands. Also, as Lou VK3ALB mentioned, special thanks to VK3ACG/VK3FWGR who did an amazing 3-grid roving operation with microwave gear for three bands but only one dish, thus needing to "hot swap" transverters on the fly.


Picture added (note the patches of blue sky!):
Summer 15 2.jpg
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3YFL »

A prior commitment meant I couldn't do my usual Saturday afternoon stint portable and I thought about trying the last few hours of the Field Day on Sunday morning for a change.

And what a success I found that to be - probably due to taking a lightweight station (= less set up/pack up time) and weather that can only be described as perfect, despite Friday's dire forecast.

The lightweight station consisted of my normal 10GHz and 1296MHz gear, but with the 1296MHz yagi mounted above the 10GHz dish rather than on the pole I normally support for a roof rack outrigger. In addition I had my usual IC705MKIIG for 6m, 2m and 70cm, but used just a multiband vertical on a bonnet mount on the car, noting that it isn't specified to work on 70cm! You can see it here:


"Another day in paradise"


"Beaming West toward VK3ER/P"

Highlight - first 10GHz contact with VK3KQ/P - that band continues to amaze me.

Great to hear some new callsigns out there and thanks to all who took the time to get out into the field or hand out some numbers from home.

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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3YE »

VK3YFL wrote:In addition I had my usual IC705MKIIG for 6m, 2m and 70cm, but used just a multiband vertical on a bonnet mount on the car, noting that it isn't specified to work on 70cm!
Bryon - your 2m signal was very good. Earlier on I was testing a (very deaf) 2m homebrew direct conversion receiver by the water.

The only stations heard were yourself, VK3XYX and another in QF11VS.
Peter VK3YE

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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3AV »


I ducked around to Frank Thompson Reserve on Saturday to see if anyone was there. Unfortunately I did not do the same today.

Mind you I did notice a white Territory heading out of Whittlesea with, I suspect, an Opek whip on a bonnet mount... Glad you had a good day. :P

Last edited by VK3AV on Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3MEG »

HI all I had a good 3rd field day operating from home . noted with thanks to those of you that worked me on 52.150 it was apprciated. and putting up with my fixed positioned 70cm yagi which was quite a surprise at how far you can talk off the Back of a yagi with 35 wattts. station numbers were down and conditions werent great but it was fun. I'll be back for the next one.
Lou it was great to hear Mat was with you guys he seemed to have a great time and needed this sort of experiance.

hmm so how do I get set up for 23.........................
we will see
Steve now known as vk3ktt
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK4GHZ »

VK3PY wrote:My observation is that there was a dearth of microwave-capable operators on air.
My experience is (was), there are plenty of people with GHz gear, but little interest in using it.
Aside from no longer being physically able to go hill topping (a problem with a predominantly aging hobby, and little new blood), it's quite bizarre!
All these test and tune days, but translates into bugger all real activity.
Go figure.

Sooner or later, this lack of activity/enthusiasm wears you down.
Then some other guy doesn't bother... then someone else doesn't bother, and so on.
Domino effect.
Been there, done that. :cry:

Mark my words.
Have a look at the published results, and correlate that against those we know that have GHz gear.
If people can't be bothered submitting a log (fairly easy, right?), then how much effort do ya reckon they're going to put into anything else.

Adam, Brisbane
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK4MJF »

Must agree here Adam to most you have outlined, but as a newer microwave entrant I see work family and other commitments to hinder this end of the hobby. HF to 1296 seem easier as the commercial gear is available to buy and use, further on is great to build, but harder to set up(like find a hill),then find a friend etc. VK4WIE/p has added 1296 to 10ghz to the club field day activities, but there are only a few say 1% of the club membership willing to get involved. Like other clubs and others we keep using different locations to promote the hobby (2015 FD @ Cleveland point) sea level not good for microwave. Anyway we try and so do others around the state and country, also lots of helpers assisting us which no one speaks about, so don't give up on us.
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3APW »

for the record, the only thing keeping me back this weekend, was the weather. The storms that hit my QTH a couple of days earlier, were scary.
As a single op, setting up a portable, 6M to 47GHz station, takes a fair bit of time, and should I have been hit with a storm even half as bad, a lot of gear would have been ruined.
I did set up a portable station at home, 6M to 23cm, and did have a great time on the bands I had. I did manage a couple of 23cm contacts, but at only 50M ASL, and hemmed in by dirt, can't expect much more. Thanks to those guys who persevered, to make these contacts.

I think we need to put a few things in perspective.. as far as the WIA goes. We had a very good contest manager, who put in a huge amount of effort, for NO pay. Who would apply for such a position?
The new guys, have had to face a very steep learning curve, to get all this right, ... the first time. My thanks to them.

I believe a major part of the Field Days, is to promote activity on the higher bands, hone skills, and get a heap of portable equipment, out across the states, that could be pressed into service at a moments notice?? AND to have some fun.

I don't think the Field Days should be all about who's name is on the first place certificate??
The competition is in place to inspire us to improve our OWN achievements.

We had some new operators, out in VK3, great to see. The positives of the 'competition' need to be high lighted, to pick up some momentum.

That's my two cents worth.

Peter vk3apw
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK4CLG »

Well it looks like everyone had a fun weekend for the Summer Field day Contest. unfortunately I didn't get a chance to participate in this one with the Sunshine Coast ARC deciding to have a break from contesting I was going to head out solo and play microwave (1296 and up) but when the weekend arrived I fell sick and was unable to go portable. It was a bit disappointing but there is not much we can do about falling sick at the worst time. I was really looking forward to it and using my call sign for a change instead of the clubs call sign. It would have meant that I was unable to use 3.4Ghz & 10Ghz with only having a standard Licence but hopefully that will change sometime this year when I put my head down and study for my Advanced Licence. Congrats to all who took part and I hope you got some big scores and didn't get wet as I heard there was a bit of rain down south. Hopefully I will be all systems go again for the John Moyle FD and the Winter FD later this year.

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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK4EA »

For me, the date was way too soon after returning from my camping break. However, instead of unpacking the car and immediately attempting to reconfigure for a solo microwave outing I elected to help out setting up VK4IF. So that consumed most of my available Saturday, however, Sat was my wedding anniversary so spending all Sat playing radio was not option (well, given I wanted to avoid having a frying pan wrapped around my ears :-))))).

And, it was a stinking humid day ....... bit different to the VK3/VK5 ops.

I gave a few numbers out Sunday morning from home, and then my new laptop developed a screen problem, so all of the logging was lost. I hope that doesn't impact the portable stations I contacted. KJ (VK4UH) and I attempted a 24GHz contact at 46kms, methinks the humidity defeated us, but, we gave it a go never the less.

John is correct about getting others in Clubs to participate, in my Club there is very little interest in freqs above 30MHz, and modes outside of FM and SSB, despite my best efforts to introduce other aspects of the hobby. So rather than fight that attitude, I'll continue to do what I can, when I can.

The next few years for me are going to be busy, my Masters program is expensive, so the hobby stuff comes last. This doesn't mean I am any less enthusiastic for 1296MHz and above, it will just have to take a back seat until I get my CPEng.
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Re: Summer field day 2015 - 10/11 January 2015!

Post by VK3BQ »

the first couple of hours operation from VK3ER/P

and the packup (about 2.5hrs)

more photos to come, when I have time to edit them up..
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
Mount Waverley, Vic. QF22NC39XL <-ham blog
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