RD and ILLW conflict

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RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3ALB »

I've just read a letter in the latest AR (Paper Edition) regarding the running of ILLW and the RD contest on the same weekend and I find it hard to understand how these two events can create so much unhappiness.

I think the possibility of moving one or the other is almost zero but the most like one that could be changed is the RD contest as it is not, as far as I can see, an international event. I have no preference either way but constant calls to move one or the other can only make you think of all possible outcomes. Since we live on the rear end of the world it inevitably falls to us to fit in with the rest of the world.

I fail to understand the significance of giving the number of years licensed in an RD exchange. I do recall some complaint that smaller stations could not possibly compete with big gun stations and are somehow adversely affect when someone replies with 591067 to their measly 59014. I think a simple serial number or hey perhaps just even a signal report 5x9 OM (of course only if they really are 5x9) is all that should be required.

The intent of the ILLW is to activate lighthouse and have radio action in the close vicinity of these important places. Does anyone think the general public really gives a large rodents behind if we give 5x9 or 4x1 or 591067 or anything else as part of the exchange. Is it too hard for an RD op to give whatever exchange is required for an ILLW station and for an ILLW station to give whatever exchange is required for an RD station. Are you that set in your ways that you can't have a 20 second interaction where both of you come away getting what you want?

It seems to me that the RD falling on ILLW is a bonus for both groups because bugger me if they're all not trying to make radio contacts with a finite number of people on the bands. Why not capitalize on the increase in contact opportunities?

Rather than worry about the content of the exchange I'd be more worried about members of the general public hearing the childish carry on of ILLW or RD operators taking exception to the other group being in their air space. What an embarrassment for all of us collectively. Let's not forget those many thousands of boys that died far away from their home fighting for something they believed in. Do you think there is any possibility they could empathize with anyone having a sook about radio contests after what they've been through?

Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3MIX »

Maybe the RD contest shouldn't be called a "contest" - I think some people get all too tied up in becoming big scorers and not actually remembering what the event is all about.
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3VKT »

As a lighthouse activator for the last 2 years i have noted that when the RD starts Saturday the illw action drops right off. and as a station trying to contact other lighthouse stations around the world you have a choice either find a good frequency before the RD starts and defend it constantly, which i had to do quite defensively this year.!! the number of RD operators that just jump on a frequency and start calling CQ was appalling!! and some even abusive as you tell them you are using the frequency for calling CQ for the lighthouse weekend


run up and down the band trying to find another lighthouse which is hard as the band is full of ppl calling CQ RD

i did start out giving the required signal report and years operating but stopped when i coped a mouthful for asking if they were a light house as well

i did also notice that when the RD contest finished there was a lot more illw contacts to be made.

so what do i think out of all of that well i really cant see the problem if the RD contest was changed to be the closest weekend before the 15th of the month actually seems more appropriate to commemorate something before the fact instead of after the fact but also i am not opposed to them being the same time but them must be a respect for both the contest and the illw

edit BTW Lou nice can of worms !!!!!!
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3AZZ »

My two bobs worth.
I am up front, I like chasing lighthouses. I am not really interested in contests.
I find having the two events overlapping makes for a bigger challenge in making contacts with the lighthouse stations.
I can't understand why the two events can't be on different weekends, after all 3 years out of seven it is.
Cheers Mal

Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4DU »

I don't like contests.

But I do respect our traditions.

The RD should stay where it is.

Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK2AVR »

As a lighthouse activator, I couldn't care less. ILLW is a fun event, the RD contest adds traffic which is a good thing, makes it harder to find other lighthouses which is one bad side effect, but such is life. We were restricted to 40m this year due to interference so that really dropped the lighthouse count (20m normally nets us a bunch of longer distance LH) but it was still fun.

We didn't experience any bad operators, one person jumped on asking if the freq was in use and I told them it was, but before they QSY'd I offered them an RD contact and they left happy. We're not snobs, the point of ILLW is to get out there and activate the LH and play some radio. Some of the RD people were interested in our setup and we had a nice chat before they moved on. The RDers who asked about our LH will get an ILLW QSL card from us.

We talked to anyone and everyone on and off the radio, showed a bunch of visitors our radio station and told them who we were talking to. Life's too short to have your panties in a bunch over nothing. RD contest or not, ILLW weekend is my favourite ham weekend of the year.

If you are all "serious business" about ILLW then you have missed the point. It's a great opportunity to play radio in a stunning location.
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »

Why doesn't the ILLW align with the USA Lighthouse activation on the First weekend of the month ?

Yes it is an international event - but the USA based one is quiet big.

The ILLW is RUN by two VKs; VK2CE and VK3PC.

They obviously have no respect for what the Remembrance Day Contest is and what it stands for...because if anyone could move it - it is them.

Glenn VK4DU is correct - there is a lot of history there..

However moving the RD to the weekend prior would clash with the WAE hardly an issue in VK - and maybe that is what is needed; do we really need angst if there are ways around it ?
Trent VK4TS
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3ALB »

VK4TS wrote:Why doesn't the ILLW align with the USA Lighthouse activation on the First weekend of the month ?

Yes it is an international event - but the USA based one is quiet big.

The ILLW is RUN by two VKs; VK2CE and VK3PC.

They obviously have no respect for what the Remembrance Day Contest is and what it stands for...because if anyone could move it - it is them.

Glenn VK4DU is correct - there is a lot of history there..

However moving the RD to the weekend prior would clash with the WAE hardly an issue in VK - and maybe that is what is needed; do we really need angst if there are ways around it ?
So here we have two points of view. VK2AVR has a good time and tries to get along with whoever is on the air. VK4TS starts with fighting words regarding what he assumes VK2CE and VK3PC think about the RD contest. I don't know VK2CE or VK3PC but it's a fair chance that they weren't there at the inception of ILLW and came along later to be in their current roles. I doubt their action plan includes causing problems for the RD. I think I may have even heard VK3PC asking for tolerance and understanding during the WIA broadcast some years ago.

I have no preference either way but it seems to me the the RD, ILLW and the US lighthouse day all developed independently and I'm quiet sure none of them developed with the intention to interfere with the other events. No doubt RD was here first. Regardless, it seems a no brainer to me. The RD contest requires a particular exchange - not too hard for anyone to manage even if they are an ILLW operator. ILLW operators are activating lighthouses and are interested in hearing from other lighthouses - are you at a lighthouse? - how hard can it be for RD operators to respond yes or no?

On top of all of this the GENERAL PUBLIC - the very people we want to engage in the hobby just want to see what we do and hear some radio jargon. Like it or not AR is on display that weekend and happiness and cooperation are much more enticing than some of the behavior I've heard on the air. Why is it so hard for some participants of the two groups to just get along?
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »

Read my last sentence Lou or are you ignoring that in the best troll tradition ?
Trent VK4TS
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3ALB »

Not ignoring at all Trent but you must accept that your shot at VK2CE and VK3PC is pretty hard to miss and makes assumptions regarding their intent.

Yes one of the events could be moved but which one should move? You or I can't influence any of the events and personally I don't see an issue with them all being on the same day. I don't understand why this particular weekend causes so much angst amongst some of the participants (perhaps you're ignoring me? :wink: ).

It's radio communication for goodness sake, both the events have a worth while reason for existing but they happen to be on the same weekend. Is it really that hard to exchange the required information to suit both groups, say 73 and move on?

I've posted twice, each time I wanted to understand why this weekend causes such problems? I see that the behavior of some ruins it for the participants and the public face of AR. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY ?
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »

Lou I operated the RD from VK4WIS and had precious little contact with the ILLW stations - had a couple call me and gave me some light house exchange but otherwise all good - The angst appears to be further south -

Really I cannot see why the RD could not change slightly - the WAE will protect it from other parts of the world as it is a pretty big contest if it moves to the second weekend in August. But by the same token the ILLW could move to the 1st weekend and achieve the same. . I have had dealings with VK2CE regarding this in the past and I do not think there is room for him to move - he is quite set in his ways regarding the ILLW.

That is putting it as politely as I can....
Trent VK4TS
PO Box 275 Mooloolaba 4557
Mobile 0408 497 550 vk4ts@wia.org.au

Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4DU »

Surely it would make sense to align the Australian ILLW weekend with the US one?

Lots more international QSOs....

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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »


I think that it best be summarised by the Life of Brian and the Judean People front - The ILLW and the LHW :crazy:

Trent VK4TS
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4GHZ »

If we're using video to send a message, this pretty much sums up trying to organise hams:


Adam, Brisbane
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »

Adam. Really it just sums up dealing with people. There are hams who quite frankly you would not let in you house and there are others you would walk over hot coals for. Ask anyone with any like interest eg hot rods and the same character traits appear. Nice video :-)

VK4TS in Sunny Queensland
Trent VK4TS
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4GHZ »

The following contains elements of rocket science.
Parental guidance is advised.

If people don't understand the fundamentals of supply and demand, and how that can be applied laterally, please press your <BACK> button now.

There is another line of thought that will, most likely, be unpalatable to those living in the past and stuck in their boringly predictable ways:

There are too many contests.


As night follows day, we see low participation rates, and get to read about the whinges of low participation after an event.
(years worth of that can be found on this very forum)

Are people contested out?
Being so predictable, do they take annual contests for granted?

For example;
Instead of every year, run a contest, say, every two or three years.
People will probably make more of effort to participate, when it finally comes around.

Has many side benefits, and would be easier to schedule events, with less conflict.

Back to herding cats I go, because you can actually teach cats to do things for their own benefit.
Adam, Brisbane
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK2AVR »

It's pretty simple to me.

Both events have been running for a long time.

Both events are intended to be collaborative and friendly in operation.

Sometimes they double up. So be it!

If you have to argue over something so inconsequential you are either very bored, very miserable or both. Good luck to you.

Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK6MB »

I had no problem working it as a RD/ILLW/VKFF/WWFF/Field day and I had FUN. :D
And I will try and find another Lighthouse to do it with RD again next year (hopefully in another NP) :D

73 Mike VK6MB
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK4TS »

Too many contests ?

From another angle - NO serious contest band is under threat from ACMA...activity does breed success...and seriously I don't count the 50 national contacts per annum on 3.4 GHz as proof that it should be retained..
Last edited by VK4TS on Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Trent VK4TS
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Re: RD and ILLW conflict

Post by VK3VB »

Great to read about the bands being too busy.
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