Old Scalar 27 MHz (maybe not) CB whip questions

630m (472 kHz) - 10 m (29 MHz) antennas, propagation, operating, etc
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Old Scalar 27 MHz (maybe not) CB whip questions

Post by VK2KPK »

I have been given this whip which obviously has had a hard life - broken to a length of about 1m - so I am considering using a fishing rod to refurbish it.

It comes in two parts. There is a large spring base to which is joined an Al? tube through the side of which would pass, I assume RG58 and PL259, to the SO239 on the base of the whip itself. The lower section of the whip is also Al? The lower section of the whip is held in the tube with two "lock bolts".

Does anyone know how the SO239 is held in the Al? tube?

How is the fibreglass? whip held in the Al? tube?

Sorry for the word picture but I have no means to take a digital photo.

Last edited by VK2KPK on Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Old Scalar 27 MHz (maybe not) CB whip questions

Post by VK2KPK »

It seems I made a fundamental error in assuming the whip was for 27MHz. Heating the Al tube allowed the fibreglass section to be removed. What I found was:

The Al tube has a coax inner that is about the size of RG8 - the shield is connected to the centre pin of the SO239 and the centre conductor of the coax is connected to the Al tube - I assume at the SO239; I cannot see down the tube to confirm. This I assume forms some sort of impedance matching section. The length of the Al tube is 305mm, internal diameter is close to 19mm.

Connected to this coax are sections of Belden 8241 (RG59/U). The first section has the centre conductor connected to the shield of the RG8? and the shield connected to the inner of the RG8? The next section has the shield connected to the first section inner and its inner to the shield of the first. The remaining section has the connections reversed. The lengths of the shield of the RG59/U are all 205mm. There is a gap of 3 - 4mm between the shields.

These sections would be a coax collinear which is interesting given VK1OD's comments: http://vk1od.net/antenna/scc/index.htm

Purchased new a lot of money for something that does not work all that well?
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