2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

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2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK4ADC »

Upcoming Contest Date & Time

Spring VHF-UHF Field Day 2013 - 23/24 November

Rules and info at http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/

I have been starting to think about my preparations for this one because the weeks are flying by and the 3rd weekend in November will be here before I know it. That makes me ask the question : where are you going to go in the Spring FD ???

My portable QTH will again be Beechmont Plateau in the Gold Coast hinterland in QG61OV. One advantage with this spot is that it has no bushes/trees in the Brisbane direction for quite some distance so should be good for the microwave activities. Bands in use this time around will be 50 & 52, 144, 432, 1296, 2403, 3400, 5760 and 10368, SSB & FM as applicable, XXXX.150 as the typical SSB calling, plus usually 52.525, 146.500 and 439.000 for FM.

I plan to operate on Saturday 23rd only, from about around 0100 or 0200 UTC for just the 8 hour section, then packing up and returning home. I won't be on at all on the Sunday. Hopefully the weather here in SE Q'ld will be kind for this event .

Please make sure you know your anticipated grid locator detail accurately and update your VKLogger /P profile in advance of the event.
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK4CLG »

Hi Doug.
I'm also getting ready for the field day and will be operating with the Sunshine Coast ARC VK4WIS from Howells Knob (QG63JF) which is our usual contest location.
I will be operating the microwave side of things and it will also be my first time working my microwave gear in a contest. I'm getting the gear all ready to go and should have 2.4 - 5.7 & 10Ghz. 3.4Ghz is not know at this stage but could be included if I get it going in time.
It should be a fun weekend and noted your contest location so I know where to look. I will do the same and work around the XXXX.150Mhz area on all 4 bands. Most of the gear is untested as it's only just been contructed so it will be a good test run for it.
How long I stay at Howells Knob depends on the YL as she will be not long come out of hospital after a major operation but the other operators will be there to run the gear if I'm not there.


Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK2GOM »

I should be out at Kings Tablelands near Wentworth Falls again, with 2m, 70cm and 23cm SSB/FM.

The only showstoppers will be tracks closed due to fires, strong winds, or poor weather.

I hope to use my Yamaha 1kW inverter generator this time to save my 4x4 battery.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH

Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK2BCC »

VK2BCC/P and VK2AEJ/P Owen will be operating from Mt Solitary, QF56df, 960m, 5km South of Katoomba, on Saturday 23/11/13. Operation will be on 2 metres ssb in the VHF/UHF Spring Field Day. Access is by bushwalk and with an FT817 and small yagi will be a low power operation.

We will also be seeking SOTA contacts on 2m and 40m. (SOTA CT-056)

Dependent on Wx and bushfire concerns.



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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK4ADC »

The BOM forecast for this weekend is for some storms and showers over much of SE Qld, probably similarly in parts of NSW.
Is it going to be worthwhile going out and setting up in view of the lack of posts about people and the places they are going for this FD ?
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK4CLG »

Hi Doug.
At this point the Sunshine Coast ARC is still going out and will be operating 50Mhz to 1296Mhz from Howells Knob (QG63JF) but the microwave side of it will all depend on the weather. I been watching the forecast as well and it's not looking too good but when has the weather man ever been 100% accurate in predicting that far ahead. We do have one slight advantage with having the big WICEN van and having a portable shelter from the weather but I do hope the field day goes ahead for everyone else and that the weather will be kind to us this weekend.

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3ALB »

We'll be out at a new location this year. All details in OpInfo are correct.

http://www.vklogger.com/opinfo.php?acti ... d=VK3ALB/P
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3QI »


We intend to be out as usual at McLaughlin's lookout QF22DM.

At this stage, 50, 144, 432, 1.2G, 2.4G, 3.4G, 5.7G, 10.3G, 24G and 47G

THEORETICALLY we can see you line of sight now with your new Mt Gellibrand location. Distance is 94kms 208/28 degrees.

So if you have 24 and 47GHz there is a slight chance of working you.


Peter VK3QI (VK3ER/p)
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3HZ »

VK3HZ/P will be at Mt Tarrengower near Maldon for the Saturday afternoon only (weather permitting).
Operators will be Dave VK3ZHY, Ian VK3YCQ and moi.
I've updated the VK3HZ/P logger entry with the correct details and location.
We'll have 6 m to 23 cm plus 10 GHz and 24 GHz.

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by vk1da »

VK1DA/p at Mt Ginini for VHF field day, 23/24 Nov. 6/2/70/23. Unreliable logger access. 144.180 preferred frequency. Throw to other bands from there. yagis for each band.

SOTA station also operating at same location. SOTA station battery powered, mainly hf but will try vhf on request.

The published goals of this contest are to see how far you can work, but the points scoring only rewards you for working the most grid squares. Go figure.
Andrew Davis VK1DA Canberra, VK2UH Yass
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3WE »

Hi all,

I can be QRV on Saturday night and Sunday morning on 10Ghz from home if anyone would like QF32. I have the horizon to my West thru to the South, (270 to 180 degs). But are happy to try from any direction.


GL all,

Rhett VK3GHZ
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK4GHZ »

VK1DA wrote: Go figure.
Hear hear.
With only 3 grids squares reliably active up here, it isn't worth the effort.

Over the years, this grid square mentality has created a culture where there is little variation, no imagination, and no desire to attempt to work better distances.
Instead of looking to improve your distances and capabilities (which inherently fosters a culture of experimentation with equipment and new locations), the same people just go to the same locations.

To say it's become boring and predictable after 20+ years of the same same is an understatement.
Up here at least.
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3BQ »


Lovely ballarat weather. Vk3er ready to go
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3ALB »

VK3ALB/P ready to go
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK2GOM »

VK2GOM Home station ready to go. Well, sort of. :shock:


73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
Last edited by VK2GOM on Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3BQ »

Lou. Did you bring your own mower. The spot looks Shawn :)
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3ALB »

Well Andrew, as a matter a fact we did. :shock:

We can't be tripping over thistles now can we?

VK3FJEN is holding the cables out of the way while VK3BA does circle work in the top paddock.
lawn mower.PNG

Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3PY »

Just when we thought we'd seen everything on a FD, here's a picture of what we saw just at the start of the Spring FD:

VK3PY (with the VK3UHF Crew)
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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK3YE »

Going down to Carrum beach for a few hours Sat pm. 2m & 70cm SSB.
Peter VK3YE http://www.vk3ye.com

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Re: 2013 Spring Field Day - 23/24 November

Post by VK2GOM »

VK3PY wrote:Just when we thought we'd seen everything on a FD, here's a picture of what we saw just at the start of the Spring FD:
Nice tornadic activity. Well captured!

Did you follow what it did? Any signs of activity on the ground? Did it enlarge or rope out?

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
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