VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

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VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3ER »

Sunday November 10th is the date.


EMDRC is once again offering to assist the VK3 Microwave community in running a Spring Test and Tune day in preparation for the vhf/uhf field day's 2013

The club rooms and club facilities will once again be made available and we are interested in expanding this year's event to allow some tuning and optimisation, we are working on having a selection of test equipment available, and some experts :) on hand to assist in getting the best from your gear, fixing up those issues and just providing some general advice on how to have it perform at its best.

The day is also perfect for those interested in higher bands, but not sure where or how to start, with lots of gear/ideas and people to talk with and see how its done.

All the typical microwave bands are expected to be going, a chance to dust off the gear and get it going for the summer portable activity.

As usual, the BBQ will be running for lunch, cold drinks in the fridge, maybe even a raffle! With the event starting in the morning ~10am and extending through the day as long as is needed.

We would love some feedback from interested people to help choose a day that will allow as many interested parties to attend as possible, it would be great if people could help by voting for a day that they feel would be best suited, The current preferred day is Sunday ~10th November, this is 2 weeks before spring field day, but the final date will be decided by the masses.

It would also be great to see by reply any interest in the event, of course we would only open the club rooms and offer to host such a day if their was interest.

More details will be provided as we get closer to the event. Initially, we need to agree on a day!. (advertised early to generate discussion at Gippstech)

The EMDRC club room is located at the Milpara Scout group hall, 13A McCubbin St Burwood. You can find it on Melways reference map 61-E7. Entry to the hall is via the driveway from McCubbin St. Look for the Green Letter Box, the drive is next to it. There is parking available both in front and around the scout hall.


Thanks Andrew vk3bq on Behalf of the EMDRC Committee VK3ER.
Last edited by VK3ER on Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: EMDRC / VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Spring 2013

Post by VK3ER »

It would be great to get some more people choose a preferred day. we would love to discuss this event in more detail at gippstech next weekend, but need a little more detail to allow this to occur

feel free to vote above or comment


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3ER »

Date has been chosen, Sunday 10th November..

more details to come,. let us know what you would like to see happen on the day, if you are keen to come, if you have test gear you can bring along, etc

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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

we are starting to prep for this event now, more details at the emdrc website.


Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3HZ »

The 2nd Annual VK3 Microwave Test Day is fast approaching and details of the day have been refined.
Thanks once again to the EMDRC who are providing the venue, and much assistance in organising and running the day.

For the many who attended last year, the format of the day will be similar, with some additional activities.

In the car park, we will again be field testing portable microwave systems - 10GHz, 24GHz and, this time, 2.4GHz as well. We'll have a GPS-locked weak signal source, and field strength meter set up across the park. People can set up their systems along the pathway and compare signal strengths - received and transmit - with others. 240V will be available from the club rooms - BYO long extension lead. The EMDRC have several marquees that we can use if the weather is a little threatening.

In the clubrooms, we'll be holding an informal microwave homebrew show and tell. People are encouraged to bring along microwave systems either complete or part-built and share info with others. Graham VK3XDK will be there with some of his systems and will be more than happy to provide assistance to others. The clubroom workshop facilities will also be available.

We'll have the BBQ going at lunchtime. If you want something more exotic than a sausage in bread, then BYO is welcome.

Later in the day, we're trying to line up a big-gun 10GHz EME station to provide us with a signal off the moon (once it rises). If you want to try "listening" for that, I'd recommend bringing along a digital setup as the signal is unlikely to be audible, but should be clearly visible on WSJT or Spectran.

Of course, those interested in the Microwave bands but without equipment are more than welcome. Most of the equipment is homebrew to a large extent and it's interesting just to see what others have done.

See you all there.

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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

A last reminder that the 2nd Annual VK3 Microwave Test Day is on
tomorrow - Sunday 10th November - starting at 10am.

Venue is the EMDRC club rooms and grounds at 13a McCubbin St, Burwood
(see http://www.emdrc.com.au/club_rooms.html for details).
Enter via McCubbin St and you'll find a car park at the end of the driveway.

Weather looks like it's improving, but we may set up marquees for the
outside testing.

Later in the day, we have W5LUA lined up to give us a signal off the
moon on 10 GHz. We've estimated that the moon will rise above the
surrounding trees at about 1:40pm.
He runs 50W to a 3m dish, so should be at least visible on Spectran for
most. His signal will be doppler-corrected for us.

Don't forget that we'll also have a "show-and-tell" in the hall, with
some test equipment available for testing. So, bring along your
finished or half-built projects to stimulate the discussion.

Hope to see you there.


Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by ZL3MH »

I would love to see a video of it all on Youtube

73 Murray ZL3MH
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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3YFL »

Unfortunately I had to leave early, particularly before Rex's EME demo, but thanks Dave (VK3HZ) and the EMDRC for making the day possible.

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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

thank you everyone who attended and assisted and took part, it was a good day, I've just got home and am going through the video and photos form the day and will post some asap..

we spent nearly 2 hrs working texas via the moon on 10ghz, and a lot of us got to exchange contacts, thanks Rex..
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

first of the videos,, the gopro time lapse (images 5 seconds apart) for ~3hrs until the battery went flat, in 30 seconds..
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

around 100 photos of the day at my flickr site

http://www.flickr.com/photos/asphotos/s ... 509155486/

<-easier than positing pics to here

video 2 - the event as a short movie. (5 mins)**

and video 3 (rex vk7mo) introducing his 10GHz EME setup and working w5lua in Texas.

**im not in TV production like some others, taken on my dslr camera, without a steady cam, so it's a bit shaky at times and very amateur hour (from me on production!!!)
Last edited by VK3BQ on Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
Mount Waverley, Vic. QF22NC39XL
http://www.vk3bq.com/ <-ham blog

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3ER »

On Behalf of EMDRC, thanks to everyone who participated in the Microwave day today..
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VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

One last one. I was asked for a slower timelapse. Same video. Just 90 seconds long ;)


If you have any pics of videos (lots had cameras) please share them :)
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
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Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day - Sunday November 10th

Post by VK3BQ »

Last last one. really it is..

my quick write up of the day

http://www.vk3bq.com/2013/11/11/emdrc-v ... -day-2013/
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
Mount Waverley, Vic. QF22NC39XL
http://www.vk3bq.com/ <-ham blog
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