10 GHz Home Station Help....

23cm, 2.4/3.4/5.7/10/24/47 GHz and above - antennas, propagation, operating, etc. Includes Optical communications, with light,

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK2KRR »

Hi Rob,

Its an N connector behind the dish. The tube that runs through the dish to the feed is brass I think with another conductor in the centre, almost appears to mimick coax inner outter.

I was not planning to use that dish at present, I'll initially set up the 600mm dish provided by the Geelong boys. See previous posting. I could use the bigger dish for one of the lower bands perhaps.
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Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK5ZD »


I have one that looks very similar on a shelf (just the feed, not the dish).
Mine looks like this on the inside:
Iain Crawford - VK5ZD
Munno Para West, SA - PF95ih

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK2KRR »

Hi Iain,

Yes I think it looks similar to that inside the feed, I pulled one appart a while back. Any idea how it works ?

(ps- could u hav a run on 2m WSPR again? I'd be interested to see if the new array here pull you out any better)
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Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK2ZIW »

Make sure there's a drain hole in that waveguide U bend :(

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK3XDK »

Hope you guys know how to point those things!! ( (: or :( )
Most of us (I think) are much better off with much smaller dishes and wider beamwidth!

In my limited experience, narrow beam widths cause LOTS of issues, remember that best paths at 10ghz are not always direct. and I have found myself manytimes pointing at sky-scrapers in the city for even "easy signals" 90deg in the other direction.

and to note: my home station "tiny little tennis ball" horn has been great on field days, I have heard stations as far as ballarat (from Melbourne 5 and 8?) from the back of it! Stations that would definitely be missed if I had of been using any real gain.

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK2KRR »

Thanks for the comments guys, it all helps :D

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK5DK »

Nice to see you are getting organized for 10GHz Leigh, would love to work you from my home station at some time .

The SERG 10ghz beacon is off air at the moment, thought there was a problem with the beacon, but it appears that the GPS antenna is the problem.

The 600mm dish would be the ideal size for a Home Station, any bigger would create pointing problems I think.

73 Colin VK5DK

Re: 10 GHz Home Station Help....

Post by VK2KRR »

HI Col,

Thanks, yes the 600mm will go for 10 GHz, the others could come in hand on the slightly longer wavelength bands at some stage I think.
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