6 metre radio choice

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6 metre radio choice

Post by VK3CM »

Hi from North Eastern Victoria,

I am putting together a 6m station over here in our new home in Tangambalanga here in North East Victoria.
I have 2 OB6-6 6m 6 element optibeams that will be up around 50 feet so the antennas should suffice however I am a little unsure of peoples experience with some of the radio choices for 6m. (**We are still awaiting our 25m tower and its only running 6 months late from the supplier but hopefully it arrives soon, it really has been a big factor in the delays of a lot of the antennas going up in the air. It better be good after this much patience, fingers crossed once again. We are going to do what we can with the smaller towers on the property over the next 3 months and at least be ready for the 6m season.) Back to radio choices, I am fairly conversant with general HF usage radios and have a array of various options ranging from he TS990 Kenwood to the IC7800 Icom but the goal is to dedicate one radio, (not the over priced two mentioned haha) and it would be helpful to know who has found success on what radios particularly the receivers on 6m. I have a few thoughts and sitting around right now is a Kenwood TS590S and an Icom IC7410 which both have 6m on board. I would be curious to know if anyone is having any success especially with low signal propagation with either of these radios on 6m, both are very good performers on HF but this does not guarantee that 6m is as lightning hot. Your experience is really appreciated. I suspect the Kenwood TS590 may be the key but thats just a gut feel. I know several people have commented that the older kenwoods, TS680 and similar have been quite surprising on 6m, I have one of these but its a little older and prefer some newer equipment on the bench to match the current line up.

Also and excuse my ignorance, Im sure I could google this but the forum here has hands on users, I am from VK5 and the 400w limit applies to our operation in SA. In N/E Victoria, can someone comment on the power limits and if we are allowed the same power? I vaguely remember some east coast locations were not allowed the higher power operation on 6m, but being from VK5, I am a little ignorant and would appreciate any advice. I have an absolutely pristine Henry 2006 amplifier and would love to activate it in VK3 if it is legal to operate.

We are still in the process of getting so much together here, its been slow to say the least, but I am looking forward to getting some antennas up. We arrived here in VK3 around xmas time and immediately entered a full renovation of a property needing a bit of tender loving care but its been a time consuming task and ham radio has been a little behind on the job lists. I know, get your priorities in order haha, and we will, we are nearing completion of the entire house and we have a few more sheds to get up and some decking and then I'm free to play antenna towers and antennas. I might even get to turn on the equipment and actually work some dx, fingers crossed.

Looking forward to learning heaps about 6m, I am pretty green as its always been a half assed effort on my behalf, be nice to give it a decent go. I kind of got motivated with my old mate John VK5PO(VK5SIX) getting cracking on what has become an amazing setup, he confirmed that some vision and a bit of hard work can get some amazing results. Also a trip up to the Rock has me looking at 2m in a similar fashion, Leigh VK2KRR has a setup that has just been quite famous to us in VK5. Living in VK3 and only 2 hours drive from Lee these days has been a great opportunity to see what a bit of commitment to the hobby can accomplish. His access to 147.000 repeater in Adelaide was just so commonplace that we started to think he had moved state.

Looking forward to any comments especially regarding 6m receive quality on various radios.

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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK2ZRH »

Congratulations, Brenton.

In your area, there is no restriction on 6m operations; just operate as per the Advanced Licence Conditions Determination.

There is only one (1) remaining Ch0 station on-air, in Armidale NSW. You are well outside the "envelope" where restrictions apply.

There are myths circulating about this and some ambiguous statements sourced to the ACMA.

Take the Nike philosophy - just do it. :D

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK3CM »

Thanks Roger, great info and much appreciated,
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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK4ABW »

come on......where's ya pictures. towers...antenna's..radios.. the property.
I use 2 x756pro's & 1 x Ft650 for my 'general' receive on 6mtrs. Even though my IC7700 covers everything...it is dedicated to six!

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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK2ZIW »

I find a VX-5R Yaesu hand-held scanning all 6m repeaters and 50.110,antenna 5/8, very useful.

One thing, you need a Noise Quieting mute, not a Carrier sensing type.

Any radio with CAT control. will do.

QQE06/40s - Alan VK2ZIW QF56hg
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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK4TS »

VK3CM wrote:
Looking forward to learning heaps about 6m, I am pretty green as its always been a half assed effort on my behalf, be nice to give it a decent go.

Simple old mate....use one of the top end rigs and be done with it - otherwise it will be a half arsed effort..and the tail of this cycle will not be that long from this point in time...make the most of it while it is here - 11 years is a long time for it to roll around again - If it does..

And seek ACMA approval for high power with the amp and blow the cobwebs out of it :D
Trent VK4TS
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Re: 6 metre radio choice

Post by VK3AUU »

How far apart are the two antennas going to be, and how high?

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