interference with pc speakers??

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interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4NWH »

Hi. I have one of those neibours. She said my radio comes through her computer speakers which i can understand. firstly any ideas on a cure? Second which is a load of bull she said it happens when the speakers are off but she is a story teller. She even complained it happened one day when i was even in the shack ha. So any ideas on how to stop rf getting into her pc speaker while they are on lol? Any ideas will be great. Cheers Wayne. (on 2mtrs that is.)
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4TI »

VK4NWH wrote:Hi. I have one of those neibours. She said my radio comes through her computer speakers which i can understand. firstly any ideas on a cure? Second which is a load of bull she said it happens when the speakers are off but she is a story teller. She even complained it happened one day when i was even in the shack ha. So any ideas on how to stop rf getting into her pc speaker while they are on lol? Any ideas will be great. Cheers Wayne. (on 2mtrs that is.)
It's not your problem as powered down she is making it up
don't do anything and suggest she reports it , I bet the speakers are at fault and probably not compliant
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK2BLS »

Hi Wayne,

I have same prob with my own pc speakers and on xyl's tv using amplified extension pc speakers. The little critters with amps pick up rf and audio rec, like mad. I kept adding clip on ferrites till it almost dissapeared. Even with low rf @ 5w was a prob. Your neighbour is prob getting it for real.

ps, I also switch on my neighbours backyard sensor light when I use 100w amp on 2m eme. :(

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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK2ZRH »

Hi Wayne,

If your neighbour's speakers are amplified extension speakers, clip-on ferrites at the speaker may help, and if they don't work or only reduce the problem, she may have to be convinced to allow internal modification - at which point a low value RFC and a suitable value capacitor right at the amp input in an L-network should work wonders.

Nevertheless, give her the ACMA's phone number . . . before you try anything :)

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4NWH »

I emailed ACMA today asking where to go. She is a hard case old lady that wont listen. But thats beside the point. If she calls ACMA do they tell her what to do or they come check it out? Never had a nutty neibour till i moved here. :( Give her the number and keep txing? Thanks.
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4TI »

VK4NWH wrote:I emailed ACMA today asking where to go. She is a hard case old lady that wont listen. But thats beside the point. If she calls ACMA do they tell her what to do or they come check it out? Never had a nutty neibour till i moved here. :( Give her the number and keep txing? Thanks.
Last visit I got a while back was from a total P%^&* of a neighbour , the inspection was done and he even looked at general station fitment , the neighbours got place inspected and my station passed with flying colours and the neighbour told to get the tv attended to and have someone in to fix the cheap and nasty stereo :) (11pm he used to turn it way up and listen to me working hf)
Now the decision is yours but I wouldn't get to involved personally and keep dissing her to a minimum however aggravating , I assume you have the required grounds etc and don't bother anything in your home so what have you to fear.
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4NWH »

i had the station grounded but went and bought a new copper ground rod and put it in right beside the shack so its a short run to the radios but only using thick electrical wire for now but will get some good ground braid to finish it off. Ill get the number for ACMA ready and if she comes over again after i finished the grounding properly ill just give her the number and let her go from there. Thanks Baz 4ti.
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Re: interference with pc speakers?? UPDATE.

Post by VK4NWH »

Hi all. Just for future refence for anyone who has this problem on the future here is what ACMA replied to my email : Thank you for your concerns about interference to computer speakers from your VHF transmissions. Interference to computer speakers is not covered by the radiocommunications act. I see you have provided ferrite beads at one stage to reduce the effects which seemed to work. You could possibly try the same thing but ultimately the fault lies within the poor construction of her speakers and their in-ability to reject RF signals. Failing the beads, she may need to buy another set of speakers.

So this is something she needs to rectify at her end. So anyone with the problem in the future now knows where they stand. :D
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK3ALB »

An interesting response.

I think you did the right thing having a go at fixing the problem. Whilst you approach might not work with all people, having a go is more desirable that leaving your neighbor to stew on the problem. RF interference is sometimes more about people skills than technical skills.

It's a good idea to keep a handful of Jaycar LO1238 rings in your toolbox. Winding as many turns as practical through one of these on each cable (particularly the input lead) attached to the powered speaker will often clear the problem or greatly reduce it. Make sure the ring is as close to the speaker as practical.
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4NWH »

Thanks Lou vk3alb. I put the rf beads on a couple years back but she is really one of those neibours. but anyway i am expecting her to complain again this morning then ill show her the email and send her on her way. Enjoy.
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4TI »

VK4NWH wrote:Thanks Lou vk3alb. I put the rf beads on a couple years back but she is really one of those neibours. but anyway i am expecting her to complain again this morning then ill show her the email and send her on her way. Enjoy.
Does she sing ?
, slightly obese ?
good luck with it
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Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK4NWH »

no Bazz just complains. Not 1 person in the street likes her. She is like a haemoroid lol old sticky beek. Anyway no complaints today YET! Cheers

Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK2AVR »

I always try to be firm but polite when dealing with people like this. It must be so difficult for people to go through life being so grumpy and angry, I feel sorry for them so I don't let myself behave the same way they do as it only reinforces the behaviour.

Re: interference with pc speakers??

Post by VK3YCQ »

Many computer speakers may appear to be 'switched off' but in fact there is still power connected to the badly-shielded, mostly un-filtered built-in amplifiers. Probably what your neighbour was referring to was the fact that the computer was "off" which may have meant it was connected to power but not operating. In such circumstances there could indeed be RF getting in somewhere, so the complaint may not have been groundless. Having been a technician dealing with all kinds of non-technical people, I have learned to 'read between the lines' rather than dismissing complaints outright. In one instance I caused the same problem due to poor grounding at my end, and yes "the computer was off and radio noises were coming through the speakers". A quick bit of work cured the problem and my neighbour was happy, there was no need to bother the ACMA. Of course, as others have mentioned, it may be necessary to be very diplomatic and explain that it may be necessary to take measures to cure the problem, usually involving ferrites, capacitors and shielding.


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