John Moyle Field Day 2013

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John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »

JMFD Rules & Info :

The JMFD is only just over a month away, March 16-17, and I am wondering whether it will be worthwhile taking gear along for any bands higher than 1296. I plan to have SSB on 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28, plus 50 & 52 SSB, 52.525 FM, 144 SSB, 146 FM, 432 SSB, 439 FM, 1296 SSB & FM with a maybe on 2403, 3400, 5760 and 10368, all SSB, depending on who else is going to bother with these bands.

I haven't decided on a portable destination for this one, as yet, but will post those details later on in this forum topic - when I finally decide :D

The question is : who else might be operating on those higher microwave bands this time around ??? ( Particularly around Brisbane/ SEQ)
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51

Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK2TJF »

I won't be operating anything except HF and can't assist here, but I do have a newbie question if I may.

I am thinking of setting up in the Blue Mountains near Jenolan Caves with a G5RV. Also considering dragging my teenaged son along and having him run as a single op for a 6 hour block, in essence two operators running the one station over two different 6 hour chunks.

It'll be our first serious run at a contest so does anyone have any helpful hints? we're adept at free-camping and setting up a portable station with what we have but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK3YE »

VK2TJF wrote:It'll be our first serious run at a contest so does anyone have any helpful hints? we're adept at free-camping and setting up a portable station with what we have but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1. First rule is do a power budget, assuming more transmit time than usual, and take sufficient batteries. 1 amp hour capacity per hour of operating is probably OK with homebrew QRP rigs but may be cutting it fine with power guzzlers like the FT817 or IC703.

2. Think ergonomics. The FT-817 is lousy for camping etc if operating from the ground due to crouching. So think about support brackets or tables (eg esky) to make operating easier.

3 Headphones are useful for weak signals.

4. Have a plan B in case it rains. Eg alternative sheltered location.

5. Don't forget the microphone (or something equally critical)

6. Beware of dogs to avoid what happened last year

Peter VK3YE

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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »

Only just over 2 weeks to go now...
Who is going to make an effort to go portable for this one ???
Anybody else made up their mind as yet ?
VK3YE wrote:6. Beware of dogs
Peter, I already have points 1 through 5 covered as a matter of course with my 360AH of batteries (+ genny), my IC-706's, the FD trailer setup & the bits in my setting-up FD boxes. Not sure what I can do about the dog issue in #6. During the '13 Summer FD, my animal problem was not dogs but cows plus their thousands of accompanying flies. When the cows moved on to another part of the paddock, only some of the flies did. :D

I have the portable gear running right up to 3CM now but I doubt it is going to be worthwhile taking these higher bands.
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4GHZ »

Peter, I enjoy your videos... was waiting for the end.
Bloody dogs! :D
VK4ADC wrote: have the portable gear running right up to 3CM now but I doubt it is going to be worthwhile taking these higher bands.
Doug, in all honesty, probably not.
As a solo operator, I know that 1296 - 10 GHz alone can be awkward, let alone including 70/2/6 and various HF gear/antennas.

It sounds like a good contest for a group effort though, where resources can be pooled.
Adam, Brisbane
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK3MEG »

I'll be operating from home going portable is not my thing I hope to work lots of you will be on 80,40,20,15,10 and 2m fm only no ssb rig I'll have the occasional listen 52.100 but still to make a contact there
Steve now known as vk3ktt
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »


I could fit everything in the car + trailer to work 80M through 3CM without much issue. The wire-style HF antennas are in a plastic carry box - an OCF dipole, the 80-10M inverted-V and a trapped "ground" radial for my trapped vertical if I choose to take that along. The V's centre mounts off a 7M squid pole but the OCF needs supports at each end so is not quick and easy to put up. I also take concrete-filled buckets plus PVC pipes for mounting the ends of the V.

It is mainly the set-up and pull-down time required to configure for so many bands. I go out single-op and that means I have to put all of the antennas and later get them down in the dark at the end of the 8 hours. That can be a slow process as you fumble with a torch in one hand so you don't drop anything. I have streamlined everything else that I can and use wingnuts (rather than standard hex nuts) all over the place to speed things up.

Dropping off everything above 70CMs saves on DC power too. One less transceiver + 5 transverters in fact. Operating to 23CMs saves only 4 transverters power consumption.

It all comes down to whether others in SEQ are likely to work 23CMs and above. If it's a no, it's not worth the time setting up.

I look/listen/call on 52.100 and 52.150 during all my FD operations, and usually 52.525 too, as well as 50.150 etc so if there are Standard Ops there, I usually work them.
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4TS »

UPDATE WIA Contest Champion 2013

2013 Ross Hull Results Added - Matt Hetherington VK2DAG still at the top of the list but being pursued by Phil Moat VK4CDI and Doug Hunter VK4ADC -

Good Luck to all in the John Moyle Field Day :D
Trent VK4TS
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK3QI »


"That can be a slow process as you fumble with a torch in one hand so you don't drop anything"

You need to purchase for yourself a decent LED headlamp - one with at least 5 LEDs in it and the ability to either set it with wide angle or spotlight.

Available at most good outdoor stores and definitely both a useful and also safety item to have.


Peter VK3QI
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »

I have just been checking out the details of the latest version of VKCL (3.7) from Mike VK3AVV and on reading the JMFD notes page, found the following details...

"The use of Maidenhead locators has also been enhanced. It was noticed sometimes that the direction for maximum signal was not always the one given by VKCL for short distance stations.This is because the assumption that each station is in the centre of their locator can result in considerable error in the calculated direction between the stations if one or both are significantly away from the centre, almost 90 degrees in extreme case for adjacent locators. This becomes more important at UHF and above with the narrow beam dish antennas.

The Maidenhead standard defines an additional two digital characters that may be added to make it an eight-character locator improving the calculation accuracy ten-fold. Useful particularly when you are on an edge of six-character locator, for example, QF22mf92, as you are now assumed to be in the centre of a much smaller locator 'square'. The use of eight-character locators is completely optional and you can ignore all this if you are not interested in direction to the station being worked. The 6-character locators are quite adequate for calculating the distance for scoring purposes."

More details on finding out your 8-char grid detail is provided further down that article. Please note that you must add the brackets to the lat/long detail else VKCL won't accept it. i.e. (-27.34546,152.12345)

The original document is at so you can read it for yourself.

I was contemplating going somewhere fairly local and setting up for the 6 hour section but given that the VHF/UHF component is distance based, I will probably make the effort to go further away from Brisbane, weather permitting of course, but still only run the 6 hours. I will also take the microwave gear along since the rules don't specify any upper limit to the "UHF" bands, and Mike does talk about "This becomes more important at UHF and above with the narrow beam dish antennas" in the first paragraph above. Microwave frequencies seem to be included since that is the only spectrum where you use dish style antennas.

I might even take the Signalink SL-1 interface box along so I can do something in the Digital mode arena - if time permits to set it up and try it on the logging PC beforehand plus making up some leads to suit the Icom radios.
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4EA »

The Redcliffe Club will be HF only, phone and CW from Kurwongbah.

The site is not VHF/UHF/uWave friendly at all, so nothing above 30MHz will be operational.

For those who are looking for a good weekend camping in the bush, with 6 stations (160 to 10m), full legal power with decent antennas at your disposal, you are most welcome to join us. BYO paddles/key - tent and beer :D (you ain't drinking mine)....
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »

JMFD happening this weekend. I'm still going portable - raining or not !!!
Saturday arvo/evening 3.5/7/14/21/28/6m/2m/70cm/23/13/9/6/3cm.
Qth: QG61OV55NN
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4OE »

Greetings to all!

Weather permitting, I propose to be operating from a hill in the Herries Range to the West of Stanthorpe, Queensland, where the grid locator is QG51TM. I say 'weather permitting' because, at this point in time, the lasting effects of TC Sandra (or what's left of it by the week-end) could lead to rain even that far in from the coast.

If I do go there, I propose to use all bands 1.8 MHz to 1296 MHz. I choose not to take all the microwave gear with me on JMMFD outings - this contest is not really well supported by other operators on those bands. Besides, as a single operator doing everything myself, the ten bands described above keep me completely busy all of my operating time - and this event is my only 'fling' on the HF bands for the whole year!

I'll be operating on the Saturday evening and on the Sunday morning. For monitoring what's occurring on VHF-UHF bands, this time I propose to have VK-Logger internet facilities with me but, with all that I have to do whilst operating, I can't promise to be always looking at the screen! I usually also have my mobile 'phone available (0428 191 066), but it's rarely ever used in this event.

Here's hoping for many DX type QSOs on VHF and UHF from there, as well as many fun HF contacts around the country.

Very best wishes,

--Doug Friend, VK4OE.

Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK5STU »

Hi All,

The North East Radio Club will be running a club station - VK5GRC - for the duration of the contest from the Thomas Hill Study Centre in the hills around Adelaide. Hoping to have 160m-2m, depending on numbers of participants and their associated equipment.

Good luck to everyone participating and look forward to working you in the contest.


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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK5ZD »

Hi all

The Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club (VK5LZ) will be operating from Para Wirra Recreation Park (PF95jh / PF95kh) on all bands from 160m to 10m.

Iain Crawford - VK5ZD
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4OE »

Greetings again.

Further to my earlier posting, I have decided to also take my 3.4 GHz gear to QG51TM - not many contacts to be had, but more of a propagation experiment. QSOs (or attempts!) arranged by normal liaison methods.

And, seeing that some folk say that they have been searching for me on the bands, on 144, 432 and 1296 MHz, I propose to keep an eye on the usual .150 spot in each band, plus using .175 as often as possible to reduce the QRM factor.

I'm also looking forward to working many of you HF operating fellows during the contest - my only 'fling' on those bands during the year!

Cheers and best 73,

--Doug, VK4OE.

Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK3WAM »

Hi all,

Planning an activation at Mt Torbreck, SOTA VK3/VN-001 on VHF and UHF (6/2/70), and will be activating according to the SOTA rules. Hopefully starting up at 1:45pm for 6 hours if things go to plan, otherwise I'll delay starting around 2 hours or so.

Hope to get some VK1 and VK2 action, and perhaps a few JMFD stations will be on summits for SOTA s2s.

73 de Wayne VK3WAM

EDIT: WIll be taking up CW and PSK capability, so keen to be able to work you several times using the different modes.
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4FB »

Greetings to all!

I will be operating from 3.5Mhz - 1296Mhz as a Home station as always QG62ni. monitoring 52.150, 52.525, 1296.150, 432.150, 144.150, 3.600, 7.080, 14.150, 21.250, 28.450 and 146.500 FM Good luck and great weather for everyone.

Cheers Roland

Last edited by VK4FB on Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK4ADC »


I will keep an ear out for you on 52.150 and/or 52.525, 144.150, 432.150 and 1296.150. I will also have 146.500 FM running most of the time if you need to alert me for any of the other bands, of course it will be turned down a bit while working HF and the microwave bands up to 3CM. A few calls on 146.500 over time should raise me though.

Brisbane stations will need to beam a little east of south (roughly) to point towards me at Beechmont, QG61OV55.

The FD trailer is all packed ready for an early departure. The weather forecast looks promising for a change too...
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: John Moyle Field Day 2013

Post by VK2ZRH »

Best wished to all participants.

I had hoped that, this year, I might participate at least in a small way. Can't be done, unfortunately :oops:

Meanwhile, I'll make myself useful contributing to the attempt to save a small slice of 2300 MHz. :mrgreen:

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
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