New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

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New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2XQ »

Today, Wed 21st Dec 2011 worked ZL1WTT Grant on the ZL-AKL Auckland repeater on 53.725MHz. Band wide open to ZL, checked the following repeaters and could not key them, are they still on air? Maybe they need a tone burst to open? Any help from ZL's in these locales would be welcome for future openings...Jack VK2XQ in Sydney QF-56ne.

ZL-OTG 53.625MHz Otago RE-44

ZL-WLG 53.750MHz Wellington RE-78

ZL-HUT 53.800MHz Upper Hutt RE-78

Cannot work into ZL-CHC on 53.850MHz as local repeater at Dural in Sydney also on this frequency.
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Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by ZL4TAE »

Hi Jack
1. The Otago 53.625 repeater is temp off air. Repeater is out for tuneup and the aerials bust
This repeater is half way up the east side of the 2000m high Old Man Range so getting into it from VK may be challenging.
2. The Wellington repeater may be off for good
3. 53.850 Cass Peak near Christchurch is ON. A net is held on Thurs evenings
4. And 53.725 Auckland repeater is ON
No tone access is required on any repeater

ZL Beacons Latest news
ZL3SIX is ON 50.040 (The city of shakes)
ZL1VHF seems to be OFF
ZL2WHO/B 50.025 ON
ZL2MBH Napier 51.030 is temp OFF, bust aerials
ZL2MHF 52.275 Upper Hutt is temp OFF, bust aerials, new ones coming
ZL2SIX 52.49 Blenheim was very low last month, suspect bust aerials

Terry ZL4TAE

Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2XQ »

Thank you for the information Terry, much appreciated, the AKL repeater on 53.725MHz comes in well here, worked Grant ZL1WTT on it the other day, thanks also for the beacon update too...Seasons Greetings from Sydney de Jack.
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Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by ZL4TAE »

Latest News
The Alexandra 53.625 repeater is back on the air in ZL4. Do your worst
:D Terry ZL4TAE

Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2XQ »

Will be looking for it for it Terry during the next big VK/ZL opening, thanks for the update, whether I work someone on it or not will be another story! 73 de Jack.
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Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2ZIW »

31/12/2011 0150 UTC 53.650 ZL repeater worked by VK5RO VK2BVS VK7DD and me VK2ZIW, repeater has no ident
01/01/2012 0240 UTC 53.650 ZL repeater heard/triggered with 3W hand-held in car, no ident

Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2XQ »

New Zealand has no licensed 53MHz FM repeaters on 53.650MHz...the only two repeaters in VK on 53.650MHz are VK3RWZ in the Grampians and VK2RMP near Wollongong.

There was a rumour that the New Caledonians (FK8) were interested in a 53MHz repeater, but no information about this on their website.

Also the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club in NSW, I believe is in the stage of establishing a 53MHz FM repeater, but I don't know the frequency.

There is a 53MHz repeater data base at the bottom of the VKlogger posting page, far left corner at bottom of page, click "repeater" for VK/ZL data base..Jack VK2XQ in Sydney.

Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by VK2JDH »

VK2XQ wrote:Also the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club in NSW, I believe is in the stage of establishing a 53MHz FM repeater, but I don't know the frequency..
It's on the air and I have updated the vklogger repeater list
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Re: New Zealand 53MHz repeaters?

Post by ZL2BRG »

Just a note to say there is a new repeater operational on 53.950MHz running 60 Watts into a base loaded vertical. The location is Mount Climie, Upper Hutt. RE78NU.
ZL2MHF the Climie 6M beacon is now permanently of air.

Repeater trustee Branch 63 Upper Hutt.
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