Wyong Field Day

General discussion - When it doesn't fit anywhere else

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2GOM »

Hi Mark, I asked at various vendors if they had any 6m FM ex commercial, or easily adaptable gear. There wasn't any I found or it would be landing on your counter about now :D

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
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Wyong Field Day good day out

Post by ZL3MH »

You OZ's do not know a good day out!

73 Murray ZL3MH
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Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2GFR »

VK2GOM wrote:Hi Mark, I asked... any 6m. There wasn't any I found or it would be landing on your counter about now :D
73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
No worries Rob, besides I'm not there today or tomorrow, when you work 6 days then another 6 u need some down time. :D
Mark, VK2GFR
Seven Hills

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2TJF »

VK2MIA wrote:
VK2TJF wrote:Got excellent service from the ARTC(?) mob and ended up buying an antenna I didn't really want right then...I still don't know how they did it!
If that is what you call excellent service then fair enough.

I don't think I expressed very well myself when I put those words up. What I meant was, although I was after an antenna and was pretty much staring blankly at coils of wire, I hadn't made my mind up. The young lady went through them all with me and I managed to find what I was after and picked one up. She could have left me pawing at the packets...I thought I'd be looking around the joint much longer than what I had to, so that's what I meant if that makes sense. After all there were other vendors who for various reasons didn't offer the same sort of attention to the lookers!

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2JDH »

I'm glad it's over for another year! 3am start, getting cooked by the sun all day maning the Fleamarket, Traders gate, and watching all the bargins go out the gate before I had a chance to look around at the dregs in the FM.

PS like a previous poster i've always found ATRC helpful with service and competitive on price and have purchase a fair bit from Les over the last few years.

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2XSO »

VK2GFR wrote:Pwofff... was that you Trash?
It was, but that's not BO ! :D
Yeah, don't let me near Ammonium Sulphide :)

I didn't wear a hat because it was a bit overcast. When I got home I realised I'd got myself a little burnt around the collar.

There was lots of treasure to be found in the flea market. It helps if you've got friends to spot for you and give a call on a simplex channel.
A friend picked up a small Air conditioning unit piece of junk that Justin vk2cu was selling. Good score for him. I missed out on it, but then I got some
treasure that other people overlooked. Some 10GHz horns with microwave lenses that will get used from some 10GHz ATV tests.
And some cheap 2m radios for more APRS digipeaters. I didn't see many/any TNCs for evil APRS experiments.

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2GOM »

I saw a long-ish horn on the other side of a table, and by the time I walked round to it, it'd gone. Literally. Vanished.

I didn't see much in the way of other horns or bits of waveguide.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
Last edited by VK2GOM on Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Wyong Field Day

Post by VK2XSO »

Geee, I even had a brand new FM814 service manual, and I knew where there were some crystals to suit for several 2m frequencies.

I even have some phone patches for them with the circuit diagrams. Great for linking repeaters.
There was plenty of other treasure there too. One guy had an 8085 trainer that he was asking $400 for.
I was going to go back to him and see if we could not find a more agreeable price but he'd already packed up.
Maybe he's reading this. There were a few other boxes of LCD displays and trinkets that I didn't have time to go back for either before they were
either packed up or sold.

Oh well, next event for me is Port Mac field day. It's smaller and more laid back. There's plenty of time to sift through a trailer or table of surplus. It's not a mad rush like Wyong (expect for the foxhunts).
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