CW Training that's actually fun

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CW Training that's actually fun

Post by VK2GOM »

For anyone that might not have seen it or used it yet... MorseRunner!

I used to love CW, and did a lot of QRP CW from the UK, but my 32wpm eventually got a bit rusty through lack of use over a number of (at least 18, ahem!) years. So rather than just listening to piles of boring numbers and letters blasted at you, MorseRunner immerses you into a virtual CW contest that happens inside your PC. Copy the call, log it, and receive their serial number, and log it. (All reports are 599 to simplify things). Just be aware that serials use the usual cut-number format; t = 0, n=9.

It's very realistic... you can add QRM, QRN, QSB, flutter etc. You can play with passband filters too. Some stations don't copy you correctly etc. and ask for repeats, so you have to be on your toes. You can even enable 'Lid' operators! It's the closest thing I have found to actually operating on the radio. You can also upload your contest scores to the website if you think you have a good 'score'.

Setting it for a pile-up is good fun, and is great practice for plucking callsigns out of the myriad signals. Your ears make the worlds best selective filters - with practice.

And best of all, did I mention it's free?

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: CW Training that's actually fun

Post by VK4TS »

Watch out using Morse Runner - its addictive....

I use it in 10 minute bursts daily sometimes more than once a day....i just cranked it up to 45 wpm....

How I use it is when I run error free and over QSO rate (worked on 10 QSO per hour increments) I go up by one WPM - I have usually gone up to 35 wpm and then - I drop back down to 20 wpm next time I will increase my hourly rate to 110 -

Go on air and work CW ? Nah this is too much fun........ :lol:
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