Search found 77 matches
- Mon Apr 15, 2019 4:34 am
- Forum: Silent Keys
- Topic: ZL3MF Zl3TIC
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5041
With great sadness I report Mike Foubister is a silent microphone after a 2 year illness. He was always very keen on 6m and was always a glass 1/2 full man. We first meet on 6m 38 years ago.We put ZL3SIX and ZL3TEN on air. He has been heavily involved with Scouting over the last few years. He was st...
- Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:57 pm
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: What has FT8 done for 6m ?
- Replies: 28
- Views: 17436
Re: What has FT8 done for 6m ?
FT8 has given us lots more stations to work, will be interesting to see if they will be come magic band long term operators. Who would have believed QSOs with DU and SA would be happening at this time and FT8 is a big help here. And JA I see tonight. Down side is personal contact with people you get...
- Tue Dec 25, 2018 4:32 am
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: Season's Greetings and HNY 2019
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5591
Re: Season's Greetings and HNY 2019
Yes same thoughts from me
And for a new years present can we wish for a new Logger
And for a new years present can we wish for a new Logger
- Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:43 pm
- Forum: 144 & 432 MHz
- Topic: 2m SSB with old gear
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5831
Re: 2m SSB with old gear
So where's the shack Mr shackless ?
- Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:01 am
- Forum: Propagation & Solar Cycle News
- Topic: Solar Cycle old will u be?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 27610
Re: Solar Cycle old will u be?
Will be 69 myself,If still here and brain still alive.Wonder about what noise level on bands will be.
Mark best I did was first US QSO 1980 W5UWB with 10 watts or less and tiny 3 element yagi up 12 feet.
Still remember that day.
Mark best I did was first US QSO 1980 W5UWB with 10 watts or less and tiny 3 element yagi up 12 feet.
Still remember that day.
- Sat May 14, 2016 8:36 am
- Forum: Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA
- Topic: VK9NU - Norfolk Island
- Replies: 19
- Views: 11087
Re: VK9NU - Norfolk Island
Hi Doug
Thanks for the LOtW conformations, 4 new bands is great.
Thanks for your effort.
73 Ross
Thanks for the LOtW conformations, 4 new bands is great.
Thanks for your effort.
73 Ross
- Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:53 pm
- Forum: Silent Keys
- Topic: SK ZL2ADU
- Replies: 21
- Views: 14179
Yes so sad,My wife and I stayed one night at his place in his camper van. He cooked us a very nice roast chicken as I remember. Had my two meter ant down last winter so missed the AE QSOs I used to have with him. Last time I worked him was the December contest and he asked will I come on for the AE....
- Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:27 am
- Forum: LF, MF, HF
- Topic: Werner Wulf antenna.
- Replies: 24
- Views: 15397
Re: Werner Wulf antenna.
and someone may say listen up up up
- Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:05 pm
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: Flat strip driven elements on 6m.
- Replies: 17
- Views: 9906
Re: Flat strip driven elements on 6m.
Refrigeration part suppliers have them,but could be more costly.
73 Ross
73 Ross
- Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:14 pm
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: 50 MHz from H44 this summer?
- Replies: 20
- Views: 12848
Re: 50 MHz from H44 this summer?
Great Shane, if you have the time I am sure we will work you.
73 Ross
73 Ross
- Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:51 pm
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: 50 MHz from H44 this summer?
- Replies: 20
- Views: 12848
Re: 50 Mhz question
Yes keen to work you there Shane.
Must be 15 years since Peter Taylor returned there.
Good luck. Ross
Must be 15 years since Peter Taylor returned there.
Good luck. Ross
- Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:47 am
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: The Cycle that was?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 9346
Re: The Cycle that was?
If we are heading for a Maunder minimum period, does this mean 40m and below will be RS as well, unlike the good years ?
73 Ross
73 Ross
- Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:04 pm
- Forum: Propagation & Solar Cycle News
- Topic: Aurora in the southern states
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6726
Re: Aurora in the southern states
I have been very suprised since analog switch off how few the numbers of hams who have taken up 6m in the South Island.
With such short seasons on 6m I can understand why people dont give a rats.
Must be over 20 years since I have worked AU on 6m or 2m.
And I listen a lot.
73 Ross
I have been very suprised since analog switch off how few the numbers of hams who have taken up 6m in the South Island.
With such short seasons on 6m I can understand why people dont give a rats.
Must be over 20 years since I have worked AU on 6m or 2m.
And I listen a lot.
73 Ross
- Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:36 pm
- Forum: Silent Keys
- Topic: SK: Dave Macnaughton - VK2BA
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8664
Re: SK: Dave Macnaughton - VK2BA
Yes a sad loss.
I first worked David during the 1980s on 52MHz and on 144 Es .
Did meet him and his wife at Wyon 5 years ago.
Was great to work him and we did it a lot until he moved and had health problems.
I first worked David during the 1980s on 52MHz and on 144 Es .
Did meet him and his wife at Wyon 5 years ago.
Was great to work him and we did it a lot until he moved and had health problems.
- Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:16 am
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: 6 Metre TVI on UHF TV
- Replies: 19
- Views: 10256
Re: 6Metre TVI on UHF TV
Hi Tony
There was a nice little 3 stage high pass filter on the UKSMG web which I built which works well with little attenuation.
There was a nice little 3 stage high pass filter on the UKSMG web which I built which works well with little attenuation.
- Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:04 am
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: How about HALF DXCC for DOWN UNDER on 6 mtrs
- Replies: 21
- Views: 12902
Re: How about HALF DXCC for DOWN UNDER on 6 mtrs
I have a better chance of working 100 0n 6m than expecting ARRL to change, I think. I dont expect to get DXCC on 6m in my life time. Have been on 6m for 34 years and have worked a lot of SSB DX. So I have worked over 100 countries on 10m in last year.I think I can add the 6m credits to 10m DXCC Ross
- Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:07 pm
- Forum: Beacons
- Topic: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
- Replies: 23
- Views: 13157
Re: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
Maybe if you strike a -4 degree frost the boss will get his way
- Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:58 pm
- Forum: Beacons
- Topic: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
- Replies: 23
- Views: 13157
Re: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
No not summer clothes for Christchurch and you cant see 20 fire engines either !!
- Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:54 pm
- Forum: Beacons
- Topic: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
- Replies: 23
- Views: 13157
Re: ZL3TEN and ZL3SIX/B revamp photo's....
Wheres the grey hair team photo by sign ?
- Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:17 pm
- Forum: 50 MHz
- Topic: 35 years 4 cycles Mexico
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1862
Re: 35 years 4 cycles Mexico
Geoff was my first XE QSO 12.4.81, he had been worked during earlyier cycles buy ZL3QK SK as told to me by Bill.
I also have Geoffs hand coloured in QSL card , Dx was easy to work then.
I worked him around 1990, for the last time.
Great times
I also have Geoffs hand coloured in QSL card , Dx was easy to work then.
I worked him around 1990, for the last time.
Great times